Singing Seder
By Cindy Paley
Song List:
Pana Hageshem
- Simcha Raba
- Kadesh Ur'chatz
- Hin'ni Muchan
- The Kiddush
- Ha Lachma Anya
- Ma Nishtana
- Avadim Hayinu
- Go Down Moses!
- V'hi She'amda
- The Ten Plagues
- Dayenu
- B'chol Dor Vador
- Hal'luya
- B'tseyt Yisrael
- Eliyahu Hanavi
- Ki Lo Na-eh
- Chasal/L'shana
- Adir Hu
- Echad Mi Yodea
- Chad Gadya
- Ki Hine Hastav

Chanukuh: A Singing Celebration
By Cindy Paley
Song List:
Chanukah Chag Yafe/Mi Y'Malel
- Who Can Retell
- Blessings Over The Candles/Hanerot Hallallu
- Maoz Tsur
- Y'Mey Hachanukah/Chanukah Oh Chanukah
- Eight Days Of Chanukah
- Hava Narimah
- Al Hanisim
- Banu Choshech
- Ner Li
- Lichvod Hachanukah
- Nerotai Haze'irim
- Eight Candles
- S'Vivon/Bo'u Hei-na Yeladim/Levivot
- The Latke Song
- Light One Candle
My family loves this collection of traditional family Chanukah songs. Cindy Paley sings clearly and distinctly. This allows us to sing along and provides an excellent backdrop for our nightly candle lighting ceremony.
Description from Amazon.com Customer Review

What a Happy Day! Eizeh Yom Sameach!
By Cindy Paley
Song List:
Eizeh Yom Sameach
- Hello Song
- Gina Li
- Boker Tov
- Togetherness Song
- Bakitah
- S'licha, Todah, B'vakasha
- Af Peh Ozen
- Mishpacha Song
- Ima Y'kara
- Mi She-tov Lo/Yadayim L'mala
- Hashafan Hakatan/La Dod Moshe
- Birthday Medley
- Friendship Song
- Habiti/Simi Yadech/Y'mina S'mola
- Endendino
- Uga, Uga/N'sader Ma'agal Gadol/Kum Bachur Atzeyl/Ani Omedet Bamagal
- Geshem
- Pizmon LaYakinton
- Aviron
- Bein Harim/Ha-oto Shelanu
- Heveinu

Swinging Chai
By Myrna Cohen
Popular children's performer and recording artist, Myrna Cohen, brings us a delightfully fun recording of 12 easy to learn songs that celebrate the life of a very young child in Myrna's lively and engaging style, while teaching lessons about the world. Paralleling the themes introduced throughout the album are sprinkles of easy Hebrew words and blessings, easily grasped by young minds. SWINGING CHAI offers children, parents, grandparents, and Jewish educators an opportunity to enjoy an entertaining body of music while learning and growing Jewishly. Talented producer/arranger, George Fogelman of Jewish Family Productions, creates an outstanding sound that you will enjoy over and over! Guest vocalist Julie Silver composed My Family Is Mine for this recording. Other memorable selections include: Yashvu Al P'nai Hamayim, To Be A Torah, We Sing Shabbat We Sing Shalom, Beautiful Yisraeil, Lailah Tov Good Night, new songs, Trees (Cara Freedman) and Tzedakah (Fogelman) ... and More!
Album Description

It's Jewish Holiday Time
By Paul Zim
Song List:
Chag Sameach
- T'Kiyah
- L'Shana Tovah
- Dip Your Apple into Honey
- H-O-N-E-Y
- I'm Sorry
- V'samachta
- To the Sukkah I Will Bring
- Lulav Shake
- On Simchat Torah & Torah, Torah
- Yisrael V'oraita
- I Have a Little Dreidel
- Lots of Latkes
- Maccabee March
- Oh Chanukah, Oh Chanukah
- Maccabees
- Tu, Tu, Tu Bishvat
- Atzei Zeitim Omdim
- Chag Purim
- I Love the Day of Purim
- Baby Moses
- Hurry Up
- Dayeinu
- Degel Tov
- Am Yisreal Chai
- Torah
- Shalom Chaverim

Zimmy Zim's Zoo & Noah's Ark Too
By Paul Zim
Song List:
Noah's Ark Overture
- Noach Eesh Tzaddik
- Who Built the Ark?
- Rise and Shine
- Shubi Dubi
- Dod Moshe
- Tarnigolet
- Going to the Zoo
- Elephant Song
- Monkey See, Monkey Do
- Noah Built a Boat on Shore
- World Is a Rainbow
- I Had a Rooster
- Bingo
- Yesh Lanu Tayish
- Boker Tov (When Sheep Get up in the Morning)
- We're All G-D's Creatures
- Shalom Chaverim

Chai Chai Israel Chai
By Paul Zim
Song List:
Rad Halaila/Hey Daroma/Zemer Zemer Lach/Abanibi/Ten Shabbat
- Marchar/Arava/V'gam Hahora/Od Lo Ahavti Dai/Chai Chai Chai
- Pit'om Kam Adam/Lach Y'rushalayim/Oleh Oleh/Eloka/V'shuv Itchem
- Erev Ba/Zamar Noded/Lu Y'hi/Roza/Hamilchama Ha'acharona
- Erev Shel Shoshanim/Ba'a M'Nucha/Hana'ava Babanot/Al S'fat Yam Kineret/
- K'var Acharei Chatzot/Hakotel/Ani Chozer Habaita/Eretz Eretz/Todah

Shabbat Is Here
By Paul Zim
Song List:
Bim Bam
- Yom Rishon
- Shabbat Is a Comin'
- Challah Days
- Today Is Friday
- Shabbat Is Here
- Cha Dodi
- Mizmor Shir
- Shabbat Shalom, Shabbat Shalom
- Tot Shabbat Song
- Hal'luyah
- Thank You G-D
- Oseh Shalom
- Mollie Challie
- Zol Zayn Shabbes
- Shlosha Kochavim
- Eliyahu Hanavi
- Shavua Tov
- Good Week

Everybody Sings on Shabbat
By Paul Zim
Song List:
Niggun Likrat Shabbat
- Lighting the Shabbat Candles
- Y'simcha/Y'simeich/Y'varech'cha
- Shabbat Shalom
- Ma Tovu
- Come Let Us Sing (Psalm 98)
- L'Cha Dodi
- Mizmor Shir-Tov'hodot
- V'shamru
- Niggun for Meditation
- Shalom Rav
- Yihyu l'Ratzon (May the Words)
- Oseh Shalom
- Prayer for Healing, Pt. 1
- Prayer for Healing, Pt. 2
- Al Shelosha d'Varim
- Shehecheyanu
- Sim Shalom
- Ein Keloheinu
- Adon Olam

Oy Vey! Chanukah!
A Totally Klezmer Chanukah for Kids
By Sruli & Lisa
Song List:
- Chanike, Oy, Chanike
- Ot Azoi
- Untitled
- The First Night
- Untitled
- Tzen Kleyne Latkelech
- Untitled
- Untitled
- A Chanike Nign
- Untitled
- Ale Brider
- Untitled
- Der Yidisher Soldat In Di Trentshes/Nokhshpiel
- Untitled
- Untitled
- A Chanike Tantz
- Untitled
- Medley Of Yiddish Chanike Songs
- Untitled
- The Last Latke

The Minstrel and the Storyteller
By Peninnah Schram
Song List:
Innkeeper's Wise Daughter
- Sidi Habibi
- Artist's Search
- Arboles Lloran Por Lluvia (Reprise)
- Why Joha Never Got Married
- Welcome to Clothes
- Nigun from Habonim
- Sholom Aleichem Señores
- Bride's Wisdom
- Ya Salio de la Mar
In this dynamic collaboration, storyteller Peninnah Schram composer Gerard Edery combine Sephardic, Hebrew, Judeo Arabic, Chassidic, and original songs with beloved Jewish Folktales.

Just in Time for Chanukah
By Margie Rosenthal and Ilene Safyan
Song List:
O Chanukah
- Chanukah Blessings
- Hanerot Halalu
- Ner Li
- S'Vivon Sov, Sov, Sov
- I Have A Little Dreidle
- Mi Yimallel
- Yodim Atem
- Eight Candles
- Matathias Bold
- Take A Potato
- Ma'oz Tzur
- The Ballad Of Judah Maccabee
- 1995 Parents' Choice Gold Medal
- Award of Excellence - 1999 Parents' Guide to Children's Media
Without a doubt, this is one of my all-time favorite albums, and it's not just for Chanukah; I listen to it throughout the year. The female vocals are both beautiful and haunting, especially the song Yodim Atem; it literally brings tears to my eyes. But this is also a fun album, a great sing-along for everyone.
Even my non-Jewish friends fell in love with it! I must admit I'm not too keen on the 3 kids songs on the album [ Dreidel,
Take a Potato, Mattathias -- possibly because I've heard them too much ] but the kids love them. Simply a must-have album!
Description from Amazon.com Customer Review

Happy Hanukkah My Friend
By Konecky & Wilde
Audio Cassette Version Also Available
Song List:
Happy Hanukkah, My Friend
- Light The Candles Of Freedom
- Medley: A. 'I Have A Little Dreydl'/B. 'Calypso Hanukkah'
- Jerusalem (Jewel Of The Holy Land)
- That's What Grandma Says
- Hanukkah, O Hanukkah
- The Maccabees Went Marching
- Maoz Tzur
I am Doug Konecky's daughter. He and Justin Wilde were working on this album throughout most of my childhood and I remember hearing the songs over and over again as I grew up. "Light the Candles of Freedom" and "The Maccabees Went Marching" were my absolute favorites as a child, although all the songs are beautifully melodic and lovable -- and definitely a nice change from "O Hanukkah" and "Dreidel Dreidel." Although I must have listened to each of these songs a million times, I've never once felt tired of them. I recommend this album to anyone and everyone.
It's so refreshing to finally hear some new songs---ones that are not only delightful but also inspirational. When Hanukah arrives each year I am always at a loss to find meaningful gifts for my friends and relatives. I feel very lucky to have stumbled upon this gem and you can be sure that, this year, I will be giving "Happy Hanukah, My Friend" to everyone.
Descriptions from Amazon.com Customer Reviews

Where Dreams Are Born
By Margie Rosenthal and Ilene Safyan
Song List:
- Talit
- Over The Rainbow
- Sephardic Lullaby
- Wings of Love
- Rozhinkes Mit Mandlen
- Nigunim
- Scarlet Ribbons
- Laila Laila
- Durme Durme
- Never Never Land
- 1992 Parents' Choice Honor Award
- Award of Excellence - 1999 Parents' Guide to Children's Media

Happy Chanukah Songs
By Fran Avni
Song List:
Chanukah Chag Yafe
- Mi Y'malel
- Blessings over Candles
- Hanerot Hallalu
- Y'mey Hachanukah/Chanukah, Oy Chanukah
- Ma'oz Tsur
- Kad Katan
- Ner Li
- Chanukiah Li Yesh
- On This Night
- Simu Shemen
- Dreidle Song
- Sevivon
- Menorah
- Levitot
- Lichvod Hachanukah
- Latke Song
- Chanukah Chag Yafe

Tia's Simcha Songs
By Tia
Song List:
Hanukkah Madley: Remember/Rise up Oh Flame/Sevi Von/Oh Hanukkah Oh Hanu
- Maoz Tzur
- Tu Bishavat: Birdies Through My Window/Birthday of the Trees
- Artzah Alinu
- Shabàt Shalòm
- Baby Moses
- Eliohu Hanovi
- Frog Song
- Avraham Avinu
- Oif'n Pripitchek (By the Fireside)
- Chiribim
- Raisins and Almonds
- Hava Nagila/Tzena Tzena

Real Complete Happy Hanukkah Party
By David & The High Spirits